Frequently Asked Questions
May I take pictures and video during the show?
You may discreetly take action photos with no flash. Please do not disrupt the audience next to and behind you.
Can I take video during the show?
How can I view action photos and videos?
How long does it take to publish videos and photos?
We try to upload the video (wide-angle view) the same day as the performance. Edited video (close-ups, stage angle) is uploaded within 2 weeks. Approximately 25 medium definition action photos of each dance are uploaded within an hour or so of the performance. These are great for posting and sharing. The remaining high definition photos are uploaded overnight. High definition photos are great for printing.
Can we buy DVDs of the performance?
No. However, it is possible to download our professional quality videos for free. These downloads may be shared to social media, streamed to TV, emailed to friends and family.
Why can’t we buy DVDs?
The lengthy time it takes to make them and the increase in cost associated with producing, selling and distributing DVDs has made them expensive! With our free downloads, you will enjoy the videos more quickly and share them more easily with friends and family.
Can we watch the videos on our TV?
Yes, of course! There are dozens of ways to stream video to your TV (depending on your hardware). The easiest way is via an HDMI cable that you plug into your phone (or notebook computer), and then into the HDMI port on your TV. There are other ways. To see them, Google: how to stream video from phone to tv
Can we download the entire performance at once?
We’ve created galleries for each Dancing Holiday Magic dance in Each gallery contains the video of the dance. You may download as many videos as you want. We split Nutcracker into six sections. You may download as many sections as you want.
How can we download a picture or video?
When viewing a picture, click the down arrow icon next to the green “Buy” button.