Julie Takei
TDA Class of 2022
Hello! My name is Julie and I will be attending Chapman University starting this fall. I will be majoring in Biochemistry and molecular biology with hopefully a minor in dance to later pursue a masters in toxicology. My time here at Tiffany’s has taken up most of my life. I’ve definitely made sacrifices in my personal life to be here right now but it has all been worth it in the end. I’ve met some of my closest friends and had the best experiences performing on a stage so often. Without Tiffany’s I don’t think I would have ever had the confidence to stand on a stage. I’ve loved the opportunities of being able to not only perform but to compete as they’ve been much different experiences. The convention world holds such a competitive atmosphere that’s easy to get lost in but I think those experiences have also helped me grow as a dancer and as a person. My time in Raising the Barre has had ups and downs as a bulk of what I remember was during covid. However, I think the responsibilities placed on us have been a learning experience for me that I have not had anywhere else and will be some of the best skills I take away from the studio. I couldn’t be happier to call this studio my second home and I’ll miss everyone very much.